Information on Repossession and Disputes between Landlords and Tenants

Here you will find information on repossessions, mortgage debt advice and private rental landlord and tenant disputes.

The Courts and Tribunals Service is actively supporting initiatives that will provide help to people who face having their homes repossessed or to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants without the need to go to court including ejectment action.


Housing Rights provides free court representation if you have a repossession hearing and do not have your own legal representation. You can speak to a Housing Rights representative whether you attend in person or you follow the link for your online court hearing. You can tell the court that you want to speak to Housing Rights for advice.

For further information about Housing Rights contact them using the details below.

You do not have to lose your home. Repossession is not inevitable; even after court proceedings have issued alternative solutions may be available. Contact a solicitor, your landlord or one of the following organisations who offer free advice on debt management, home ownership and tenancy.

Useful Information

Revised Pre Action Protocol for Repossession Proceedings

Mortgage Possession Fact Sheet

How to get help

Housing Rights

Housing Rights has useful information about Mortgage debt and repossession advice.

Telephone: 028 90245640

Get advice by email


Advice NI

1 Rushfield Avenue
Telephone: 028 9064 5919

Dispute Resolution between landlords and tenants in the private rental sector

Useful Information

Pre-action protocol for ejectment proceedings based on non-payment of rent in the social housing sector

Housing Rights – Housing Mediation Service

The Housing Mediation Service is a free service for tenants and landlords to help them work together to come to a shared understanding of an issue, so they can reach a mutually satisfactory outcome and avoid the need to go to court.

The Housing Mediation Service is free and available to:

  • Tenants
  • Registered landlords
  • Letting agents
  • Housing Associations operating in the sector

The service can help with many kinds of disputes including:

  • Property standards
  • Repairs
  • Rent/rates arrears
  • Unprotected tenancy deposits
  • Threatened evictions
  • Breach of tenancy terms
  • Noise / anti-social behaviour

Contact the Housing Mediation Service

Call 028 9024 5640


Submit an online form

The Housing Mediation Service is provided by Housing Rights with funding from the Department for Communities.

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