Applying for a Non Molestation / Occupation Order
If you are a victim of domestic violence you can apply to the court for a Non Molestation Order.
This order is intended to protect you or a relevant child(ren) from being harassed, pestered, intimidated or from any threat of such behaviour. An application can be made ex-parte (in an emergency situation without the offender being aware) or inter parte (where the offender will be given notice of a court hearing).
You may also qualify for an Occupation Order. This order sets out terms by which the offender will be restricted from entering or residing in the home, and must leave upon service of the order on him/her.
The Family Homes and Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland) Order sets out the process of who can apply for a non molestation / occupation order.
There is no court fee for a non molestation order / occupation order, however you may be required to pay a fee for the summons to be served.
The forms required to lodge this application are available here.