Court Funds Office
This page provides details of services provided by the Court Funds Office relating to funds held in court.
For an introduction to the work of the Court Funds Office please visit our pages on the NI Direct/Court Funds website
Unclaimed Funds List
Please note, that there is still a considerable amount of money which has not yet been classified as unclaimed as investigations are still ongoing. If your name does not appear on the Unclaimed Funds List, you can still contact the Court Funds Office to check if there are funds held for you. For privacy reasons, the Unclaimed Funds List does not show the amount owed. Once you contact the Court Funds Office, you will be given more information.
How do I claim the money I am owed?
If you think there may be money held on your behalf, you should contact the Court Funds Office for advice on 0300 200 7812.
Unclaimed Sums at 31 October 2024
1972/8647 | A & B Colour Reproductions Ltd v Styletype printing | |
1970/7413 | AEI Ltd v Blackbourne Electrical Co Ltd | |
1972/642 | Allen Agnes | |
1955/1450 | Allen Andrew | |
1992/67 | Anderson Thomas | |
Spec A/C | Andrews v McGivern | |
1949/2260 | Andrews Robert | |
1941/110 | Armstrong William | |
1992/64 | Arnott Margaret | |
1981/403 | Bateman Margaret | |
1970/5386 | Belfast Telegraph v McFerran | |
1964/71 | Bell & another v Belfast Co-Op Society Limited | |
1960/346 | Bell t/a Bell Bros v Carplant Ltd | |
1962/394 | Bell Gordon v Du Pont (UK) Ltd | |
1962/394A | Bell Thomas F A v Dupont (UK) Ltd | |
1980/5385S | Bell v Aiken | |
2000/542 | Bingham Kathleen | |
Chancery | Bingham Wihelmina I | |
CC(D) | Blaney John | |
1996/281 | Boyd Samuel | |
1962/405 | Boyle Annie | |
1984/195 | Boyle Mary | |
CC(B) | Bradley Stephen No. 3 Acc | |
999/03 | Brennan Frank | |
1974/2062 | Brian Morton & Co v Leahy Kelly & Leahy Ltd | |
Chancery | Briggs Margaret J | |
1941/2/167 | Brown Ethel | |
1976/354 | Brown Ltd, John v Brookhaven Shirt (Manufacturing) Co Ltd | |
1949/2277 | Brown Thomas R | |
Chancery | Burns Edwin M V | |
1962/815 | Burns v Stirling & another | |
1998/130 | Burns Mary | |
CC(B) | Cairns J H J - Trustees of | |
1971/76 | Campbell Joseph | |
1961/2367 | Campbell Mary | |
1970/1989 | Campbell v Belfast Corporation | |
1974/132 | Campbell Samuel | |
1969/716 | Campbell Vincent | |
999/05 | Cannon Stephen Dominic | |
1966/3047 | Capecastle Limeworks v Davidson & another | |
1993/125 | Carville Patrick | |
CC(B) | Cassidy Francis | |
1970/1986 | Cawoods Containers Ltd v Currie | |
1973/6801 | Chambers v Crawford | |
1996/302 | Clarke Bronagh | |
1970/1741 | Cleland Mark T A v McKenna | |
1944/2/261 | Cleland Robert Jnr | |
1954/1749 | Cloughmills Co-Op Ltd v Stewart | |
1948/3/115 | Cochrane John O | |
1958/2560 | Cole v Capital Loan Co Ltd | |
1952/1990 | Collins Teresa | |
1974/6184 | Continental Shutters Ltd v Union Building Co Ltd | |
1968/2938 | Cooke (a Minor) v Harron | |
1964/60 | Cox v Corr & others | |
1997/256A | Crawford Margaret (Martha) né Mark | |
1972/2888 | Crosby v Kerriush & another | |
1970/5992 | Cunningham v Cunningham | |
1957/1717 | Curtis Kathleen | |
Chancery | Cussans Jamie | |
1969/6138 | D Lavery Ltd v Kennedy | |
1969/6975 | Darragh v Baird | |
1951/929 | Devlin t/a Devlin v McCann | |
Chancery | Dickson William v Loopland | |
1978/563 | Doherty Andrew | |
1950/561 | Doherty Jane Louise | |
Chancery | Dolan Catherine | |
1958/2818 | Donaldson Maureen v Hill & others | |
1992/88 | Donnelly Kathleen | |
CC(D) | Dorsey Elizabeth | |
1937/18 | Douglas Lily | |
1998/433 | Dovey William | |
1971/1850 | Down, Connor & Dromore Diocesan Board v Antrim County Council | |
1952/2032 | Drew v Strangford Ltd | |
1994/529 | Dunne Anthony | |
1981/6984S | Dunwoody v Duffy & others | |
1954/1436 | Edwards v Gibson | |
1968/1740 | EIRIO Services Ltd v Lloyd Sound Ltd | |
1960/3774 | Electrical Agencies v W H Wharney & Co Ltd | |
1984/372 | Elliott Bertha | |
1965/5319 | Elliott v Clarke | |
1967/1287 | Emerson v McGibbon | |
1974/287 | Evans Agnes | |
1978/333 | Farrell Annie (No.1) | |
1978/333 | Farrell Annie (No.2) | |
Chancery | Farren Bernard | |
1965/4349 | Ferguson v Garith | |
1967/563 | Finlay Robert | |
1976/5225 | Fletcher v Graves | |
Chancery | Flynn Elizabeth | |
1965/159 | Foreman Mary | |
1973/2481 | Forsythe v Bull | |
1955/164A | Forsythe William | |
1991/471 | Frieslander Elizabeth | |
1955/2426 | Fyffe v Bryans | |
1960/764 | Gabort Julius | |
1981/523 | Galloway Wilhelmina | |
1951/427 | Geoghegan v Wylie | |
1965/1974 | Getty v Adams | |
CC(F) | Goodfellow Helen | |
CC(D) | Gordon Hugh | |
CC(D) | Gorron John | |
CC(D) | Graham Margaret E | |
CC(D) | Graham William M | |
CC(F) | Gurran & McQuillan | |
1967/659 | Gwynne Elizabeth | |
1966/773 | Hagan Jane | |
1953/1240 | Harrison v Dickey | |
CC(B) | Hassett Ronald | |
CC(L) | Hegarty D J A | |
CC(B) | Hegarty James - Trustees of | |
1964/2578 | Hermon Suzanne G v Boyd | |
1962/4792 | Herron & another v MacDonald | |
CC(D) | Heron & Deron | |
1976/3559 | Hill v Donaldson | |
1952/1717 | Hill v Wilson | |
1969/5647 | Hill v Wilson | |
1969/467 | Hodge Eleanor | |
1957/2957 | Holland (Radio) Ltd v Fletcher | |
1974/1481 | Hood T/A Sheridan & Hood v McKinless | |
1964/3975 | Hughes v Boyd & othes | |
1971/3516 | Hughes v Cooper | |
1971/1394 | Humphreys & Co, N T v Sutherland | |
CC(D) | Huniford Selina | |
1983/4112S | Hurrell v Steele | |
1962/3706 | Hurst Ltd v Quarry Developments | |
1966/1153 | Hydraulic Plant (Belfast) Ltd v McCullough | |
1949/2718 | Jamison William A | |
1976/354 | John Brown Ltd v Brookhaven Shirt (Manufacturing) Co Ltd | |
1951/1885 | Johnston Archibald | |
1994/594 | Johnston James | |
1994/594 | Johnston John Noble | |
1970/110 | Johnstone Susan P | |
1953/804 | Jones Jane | |
1945/427 | Kane Elizabeth | |
1992/660 | Kee Annie Margaret | |
CC(L) | Kelly James (Trusts of) | |
1970/7434 | Kelly v Gupta | |
CC(D) | Kennedy Mary | |
1970/6718 | Kerr v Johnston | |
1962/2110 | Kettyle Elizabeth | |
1984/4987S | Khan Said Mohammed v MOD | |
CC(D) | Kilpatrick Edith V | |
CC(D) | Kilpatrick Mabel E | |
1950/2321 | Kingham v Crawford & others | |
CC(F) | Knox M A (Trusts of) | |
1962/5774 | Lagan v Dougan | |
Chancery | Lanoth Margaret | |
1969/6138 | Lavery D Ltd v Kennedy | |
1972/1728 | Laverty v Moore | |
1992/582 | Lee Esther | |
1961/4888 | Leitch v Belfast Corporation | |
1982/2907S | Linton Thomas & Co Ltd v Valley Enterprises Ltd | |
CC1/S | Magee v SOS(NI) | |
CC(A) | Magill Eric | |
1997/256A | Mark Thomas | |
CC(B) | Marshall Joseph - Deceased | |
CC(F) | Martin James | |
1965/1663 | Martin v BEAC | |
CC(D) | Mitchell Ellen | |
1960/2697 | Monie v MacDonald | |
Chancery | Montagu Mary E W | |
1994/499 | Moore Margaret M | |
1950/261 | Moran Patrick | |
1974/2062 | Morton & Co, Brian v Leahy Kelly & Leahy Ltd | |
L74/09 | Mulholland Liam (In the Estate of John Mulholland) | |
1968/5879S | Mullan v H Duffy Ltd | |
CC(F) | Mullen Anthony | |
1975/317 | Myers v Myers | |
1968/366 | McAllister John | |
1970/2285 | McAteer v Nolan | |
1993/592 | McBride Annie Elizabeth | |
1960/527 | McBride Mary | |
1971/580 | McCabe Minnie Osborne | |
1976/6970 | McCann Catherine Ann (a Minor) v McCann & Reihill-McKeown Ltd | |
1973/2220 | McCartan v Ministry of Home Affairs | |
1959/2594 | McCartney Edith Ellen | |
1956/2551 | McClean Thomas | |
1949/1690 | McClelland Amelia | |
1973/2134 | McClelland v Sturgeon | |
CC(D) | McClement Rupert | |
1961/5884 | McClenaghan v Fleming | |
CC(D) | McCloy Joan | |
1967/1152 | McCluskey v McQuaid | |
1953/2071 | McColter James | |
1987/2020 | McCormick John v Toner | |
Special | McCormick v McClurg | |
1981/230 | McCosh Martha | |
1972/1922 | McCoubrey v McCaul | |
1998/169 | McCurdy Norman | |
1974/370 | McDonald Jean | |
CC(A) | McEldrew P | |
1971/4267 | McEnuff v Magennis t/a Magennis & Co | |
1959/1355 | McGarry Hannah | |
1973/7611 | McGiverigan v Campbell | |
CC(L) | McGowan Joseph | |
1956/556 | McGuigan Elizabeth | |
1939/203 | McGurk Elizabeth | |
CC(D) | McHaig William J | |
1937/3 | McHenry Rosina | |
Special | McIlvar v Owens | |
1972/105 | McKee Annie | |
1966/161 | McLaughlin Bernard | |
CC(B) | McMaster William - Trustees of | |
1960/1716 | McMorran v Graham | |
1946/315 | McMullan John | |
1973/2093 | McNally Eugene v McDowell | |
1973/7699 | McNally v O'Farrell | |
1994/387 | McPherson Dermot | |
1974/4314 | McQuade v Irish News | |
1974/4312 | McQuade v Belfast Telegraph | |
CC(F) | McQuaid Minors | |
F89/34 | McSwiggan Patricia Maria | |
Chancery | McVey Sheila Mrs | |
1956/1298 | McWilliams David | |
Chancery | Nelson A | |
1970/688 | Nevin Sarah | |
CC(F) | Northern Bank Ltd | |
1954/2718 | Northern Engineering Equipment Ltd v Grosvenor Finishing Co Ltd | |
1971/1394 | N T Humphreys & Co v Sutherland | |
1983/4837S | O'Brien v McGivern | |
1955/1010 | O'Hare & Co Ltd v The Island Pharmacy | |
1966/3617 | O'Hare v Cameron | |
CC(D) | O'Prey Margaret | |
CC(D) | O'Prey Mary | |
CC(D) | O'Rorke Susan | |
1975/126 | Orton Ellen C | |
1988/272 | Owen Stella | |
1984/695 | Parry Mary | |
1978/2137S | Patton v McCorkell | |
1971/616 | Pearl v Thompson | |
1974/2643 | Peartree v Century Newspapers Ltd | |
1971/3725 | Phair E v Courtney | |
1967/5731 | Pinkerton v Gordon | |
1960/631 | Porter Ruby | |
1949/2391 | Potter Sarah | |
1991/481 | Price Audrey | |
CC(F) | Purdy Ed (Est of) | |
1991/392 | Quinn Francis | |
1991/392 | Quinn Leonard | |
1946/3 | Quinn Mary & Margaret | |
1970/640 | Quinn William | |
1970/307 | Rafferty Mary | |
CC(B) | Rathkerry Co-Op | |
1950/1729 | Rea Daniel | |
1950/1729 | Rea Sarah No.2 A/C | |
CC(B) | Rea Thomas | |
1967/337 | Reavey v Quigley & another | |
1963/392 | Rice Patrick | |
1997/233 | Riddell Patricia | |
1966/66 | Robinson Elizabeth | |
1956/1419 | Rush v Bell | |
CC(D) | Rush Edward & an | |
1962/3291 | Scotomatic Ltd v Sloan | |
CC(B) | Scott Henry | |
1974/1481 | Sheridan & Hood v McKinless | |
1973/3934 | Sime Rene v George Parker | |
1963/4661 | Sloan & another v McLaughlin | |
1975/4819 | Sloan v Young | |
CC(B) | Smyth A - Estate of | |
1969/614 | Speer Margaret | |
1969/400 | Steele Sadie | |
1991/8 | Stephenson Kathleen | |
CC(F) | Stephenson Minnie (APUM) | |
1961/1622 | Stevenson Jane | |
1961/5304 | Stevenson Robert v John McCaughey t/a McCaughey Bros | |
Chancery | Stirling Ellen M | |
1961/2574 | Stokes v Murphy | |
1996/32 | Stokes Michael | |
Chancery | Strain Annie E | |
CC(L) | Taggart John | |
CC(B) | Tate Elizabeth J | |
1996/537 | Taylor Charlotte | |
1975/277 | Taylor v Smith | |
CC(B) | Temperana Bld | |
CC(L) | Tervan J | |
1946/2392 | Thompson Sarah Jane | |
CC(D) | Todd v Woods | |
1971/2248 | Tracey v Owens & others | |
CC(A) | Ulster Bank Ltd v W. McKee & Co Ltd | |
1965/4314 | Uprichard Frederick v Cromies | |
1965/416 | Walker Harriett M | |
1975/7042 | Ward v McAlarney & another | |
CC(B) | Watson Mira E - Trustees of | |
1970/4365 | Waveney Laundry v Traynor Ltd | |
Special | West v West | |
1955/1394 | Whelan Catherine | |
1961/66 | White & another v Millar | |
1956/1602 | Wightman Jane | |
CC(L) | Wilson Peter | |
1973/725 | Wilson v Belfast City Council | |
1979/5614 | Wilson v Sheridan | |
1956/5517 | Wilson v Stewart | |
1963/602 | Wilson Thomas | |
1949/2212 | Wright Olive Mabel Louisa | |
1953/1985 | Wynne Margaret B | |
CC(D) | Young James | |
CC(F) | Young Mary (Trusts of) |