Review of Regional Facilities for Children and Young People
In January 2017, the Department of Health and the Health and Social Care Board in collaboration with the Department of Justice commissioned a review of the existing Regional Facilities for Children and Young People. The Review concluded in October 2017 and the Review of Regional Facilities for Children and Young People Report was published by the Department of Health in December 2018.
Regional Facilities for Children and Young People Programme
The Regional Facilities for Children and Young People Programme aims to fully implement the 11 recommendations outlined in the Review Report including the key recommendation of the introduction of a new integrated Regional Care and Justice Campus for Children and Young People.
Consultation – Establishment of a Regional Care and Justice Campus
From October 2020 to January 2021, the Department of Health and the Department of Justice held a public consultation on proposals to establish a regional Care and Justice Campus for children and young people. The Health and Justice Ministers published a report on the outcome of this consultation in June 2021.
Programme Engagement and Participation
Updates on programme engagement and participation are available below
The Link Newsletter Programme Updates
Updates on the work of the Programme are available below. If you would like to receive future editions of The Link Newsletter please contact
Regional Facilities Programme Board Minutes
Regional Facilities Stakeholder Reference Group Minutes
Contact the Programme Team
You can also contact the Programme Team via Email