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1767 publications

A freedom of information request detailing the organisation’s vehicle, leasing and maintenance contracts.

Published 30 September 2013FOI/EIR responses

This update presents the most recent statistics on the level of public confidence in policing
and the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland as well as public perceptions of anti-social

Published 26 September 2013Research and analysis

This Employability Strategy will help by giving those in custody the opportunity to develop qualifications, skills and personal attributes which will provide them with the best possible prospects of gaining employment and changing their lives and the wider community for the be

Published 20 September 2013Policy papers

This bulletin presents convictions data for the year 2009 for: all courts; magistrates’ courts; and, the Crown Court, which are disaggregated by age and gender.

Published 19 September 2013Research and analysis

This brief is designed to keep stakeholders abreast of developments right across the Youth Justice Agency.

Published 13 September 2013Promotional material

A leaflet has been developed to help victims of trafficking to know their rights; to know that help is available; and to know how to access this help. The leaflet has been translated into 8 languages and we plan to make it available in a number of public places.

Published 06 September 2013Guidance literature

Reference LSC 15-13 relates to the schedule of fees circular and corresponding tables setting out the fee structure for LAA, civil legal aid, civil statutory cases and ABWOR.

Published 03 September 2013Circulars

This Newsletter provides an update of changes within AccessNI.

Published 02 September 2013Circulars

Northern Ireland Prison Service Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013

Published 28 August 2013Financial plans and reports

Circular LSC 14-13 sets out the rates of remuneration for work undertaken in relation to committal proceedings.

Published 23 August 2013Circulars

Circular LSC 13-13 sets out the rates of remuneration for work undertaken in relation to Proceeds of Crime proceedings in the Magistrates court under civil legal aid.

Published 23 August 2013Circulars

FSNI Corporate and Business Plan. Chief Executive’s foreword, introduction, values and structure, strategic planning context, what we plan to do, key performance objectives and targets. FSNI strategy map and organisational structure.

Published 21 August 2013Business plans

This document outlines human rights guidance for FSNI addressing international standards, work delays, evidence storage and safety. 

Published 21 August 2013Guidance literature

What and how many items were seized from prisoners in each of the 3 establishments and what area in the prison they were seized.  Why the items were received and how the items were disposed of.

Published 19 August 2013FOI/EIR responses

The Department is one of twelve within the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS). It is responsible for the resourcing, legislative and policy framework of the justice system.

Published 09 August 2013Financial plans and reports

This Business Plan looks forward over the next year and maps out how NIPS will progress the vision established by the Prison Review Team.

Published 08 August 2013Business plans

This Business Plan looks forward over the next year and maps out how NIPS will progress the vision established by the Prison Review Team.

Published 08 August 2013Business plans

Freedom of information request and disclosure relating to prison cell size and mattresses.

Published 02 August 2013FOI/EIR responses

This update presents the most recent statistics on the level of public confidence in policing and the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland as well as public perceptions of anti-social behaviour. 

Published 01 August 2013Research and analysis

One of a series of information leaflets published by the Youth Justice Agency to explain the services it delivers.

Published 01 August 2013Guidance literature

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