Amendments to Firearms Legislation
Here you will find information on the new laws introduced in December 2019 on deactivated firearms which are provided for by the Firearms Regulations 2019.
The Firearms Regulations 2019 came into force in December 2019. These regulations introduce changes to the controls on firearms relating to:
- responsibility for secure storage arrangements in relation to certificate holders under the age of eighteen;
- the particulars to be entered by firearms dealers into their register of transactions in order to reflect new marking requirements for firearms and essential component parts; and
- the notification of certain deactivated firearms held in the United Kingdom and their transfer.
These changes have been made in order to implement the requirements of Directive (EU) 2017/853 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons.
Deactivated Firearms
New laws introduced in December 2019 mean if you own or want to transfer ownership of a deactivated firearm, you must tell the Department of Justice (DoJ).
You do not need to tell DoJ about firearms which were deactivated before 8 April 2016.
You could be fined £200 if you fail to tell DoJ you own or transfer a deactivated firearm.
For further guidance and forms for notification of possession and transfer of deactivated firearms visit the nidirect website
Contact us
Send completed forms to: or
Deactivated Firearms NotificationsFirearms & Explosives Branch
Department of Justice
Room B4.22
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate