The Office of Care and Protection - Patients Section
- Information about the Office of Care and Protection
- How to apply to become a Controller
- Information on Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA)
- Practice Note 1/2024 – Investment of Awards made to Patients by the High Court (Kings Bench Division) and the County Court
- Solicitors costs in relation to Patients’ work
- Accessing a Child Trust Fund for a young person lacking capacity
OPERATIONAL UPDATE - 28 January 2022
Office of Care and Protection (Patients)
The Office of Care & Protection [Patients] (OCP) will reinstate a call answering service with effect from 31 January 2022. The service will be available Monday – Thursday (09:00–13:00), however we are working to extend those hours as soon as possible thereafter.
Our services are currently experiencing delays, given the exponential increase in correspondence and the impact of Covid. We apologise for the delay and regret any inconvenience this may cause. We will continue to assess all incoming correspondence and to action those requests and enquiries where a clear need for urgency is identified. To accelerate this process it is essential that all correspondence by email or in writing is clearly marked as urgent.
If you require information about making an Application for Controllership, Enduring Powers of Attorney, court fees or application forms, please check the information available via the links above before contacting the office.
Your patience and cooperation is appreciated.