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1767 publications

Freedom of information request relating to physical training males and females (gym field sessions).

Published 23 April 2012FOI/EIR responses

The Northern Ireland Statistical & Research Agency (NISRA) conduct a yearly satisfaction survey amongst users of the statistics and services provided by the Analytical Services Group of the Department of Justice. 

Published 19 April 2012Research and analysis

The Northern Ireland Statistical & Research Agency (NISRA) conduct a yearly satisfaction survey amongst users of the statistics and services provided by the Analytical Services Group of the Department of Justice. 

Published 19 April 2012Research and analysis

In March 2012 an online survey was sent to all individuals on the Statistics and Research Branch (SRB) mailing list. (This is a historic list of customers who have requested that they be kept updated on developments or informed of new publications).

Published 19 April 2012Research and analysis

The Department of Justice has responsibility for the Health and Safety of Explosives in Northern Ireland and there are Regulations which deal with the carriage of explosives. 

Published 16 April 2012Legislation and regulations

An inventory of all items confiscated from prisoners in all of Northern Ireland’s prisons for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 to date of request.
To include a description of each item, the quantity recovered and the prison at which the item was confiscated.

Published 05 April 2012FOI/EIR responses

In November 2010 Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) reported on oversight of the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS) enquiry into the erroneous release of two prisoners.

Published 03 April 2012Independent reports

To ensure that legal aid is available for proceedings before the care tribunal, relating specifically to appeals taken by individuals deemed to be unsuitable to work with children or vulnerable adults. 

Published 03 April 2012Guidance literature

This update presents the most recent statistics on the level of public confidence in policing and the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland as well as public perceptions of anti-social behaviour. 

Published 30 March 2012Research and analysis

Rankings, band averages and total payments made to solicitors and barristers.

Published 29 March 2012Corporate reports

The purpose of this report is to follow-up whether, and to what extent, the criminal justice agencies have implemented the recommendations made in the original report.

Published 26 March 2012Independent reports

This bulletin is based on the fourth administration of the Northern Ireland Victim and Witness Survey (NIVAWS) covering the year 2011/12.

Published 15 March 2012Research and analysis

The strategy set out a five year plan covering the period from 2007 to 2012. Its overall aim was
to improve services to victims and witnesses and to increase overall satisfaction levels with

Published 13 March 2012Research and analysis

The focus for this inspection to the Roe House of Maghaberry Prison was to assess the hygiene standards and infection prevention and control practices in place and to assess if the conditions within the Roe House have implications in respect of inhumane or degrading treatment.

Published 08 March 2012Independent reports

Freedom of information request and disclosure relating to any contracts and or service level agreements that exist between the NI Prison Service and Further Education Colleges for the provision of education services in prisons.

Published 01 March 2012FOI/EIR responses

This bulletin is based on findings from the 2010/11 Northern Ireland Crime Survey (NICS). 

Published 29 February 2012Research and analysis

This report summarises the main issues and proposes a solution that requires consideration by the Department of Justice and the Department for Employment and Learning.

Published 08 February 2012Independent reports

The attached report is the Police Ombudsman's five-year Review Report on the working of Part VII of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998.

Published 23 January 2012Corporate reports

The guidance is primarily aimed at police officers conducting visually recorded interviews with vulnerable and intimidated witnesses, those tasked with preparing and supporting such witnesses during the criminal justice process and those involved at the trial, both in supporti

Published 03 January 2012Guidance literature

AccessNI has established a small group of representatives from Registered Bodies to discuss preparations for the introduction of imminent and planned change initiatives. This Forum meets 3-4 times a year. 

Published 02 January 2012Agendas and minutes

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