Key messages for legal aid suppliers - August 2021
Date published:
The LSA has issued the key messages for legal aid suppliers for August 2021.

Reminder - Departmental questionnaire and consultation on family law fees
The closing date for the Enabling Access to Justice Division Article 8 and Article 50 cases in the Family Proceedings Court - solicitor stakeholder questionnaire which is aimed at solicitors who have experience of representing clients in Article 8 and Article 50 proceedings has now been extended to 15 September 2021. This will not be extended further.
Your input would be greatly appreciated. This is your opportunity to shape policy proposals which will affect how fees are determined and therefore your chance to have a say on ensuring they fairly represent the work you do.
The consultation for the introduction of standard legal aid fees for solicitors in Article 8 and Article 50 proceedings under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, in the Family Proceedings Court closes on 24 September 2021.
What you might have missed
Please note that the LSANI have published the following on the Agency’s website:
- ‘LSA Operational Performance – July 2021’ was uploaded to the ‘LSA Operational Performance’ page under the main ‘Useful information for legal aid suppliers’ area of the LSANI website.
Notes to editors:
Please note that printable PDF versions of the key messages are located within the 'Useful information for legal aid suppliers' page under the title 'Key messages'.