Long Term Policing Objectives
Section 24 of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 makes provision for the Department to develop Long Term Policing Objectives.
These objectives are intended to set the broad strategic direction for Policing over the long term. The existing objectives were developed in 2012 via consultation with stakeholders and the public. They are:
- That policing is delivered in a way that protects and vindicates the human rights of all and preserves the fundamental responsibility of the police to serve all parts of the community.
- That the community has an effective, accessible and accountable policing presence to address the identified and understood needs of the community, to enhance public confidence in the police, and to deter criminality and reduce harm.
- That policing in its widest sense is a shared responsibility that involves effective partnership working between police services, the public, and statutory, voluntary and private partners.
- That policing contributes to the transformation of Northern Ireland to a more inclusive and cohesive society; and that it pro-actively responds and adapts to emerging changes in society.
That the Police Service continues to be:
- free from external interference in operational matters;
- accountable within the rule of law;
- answerable to the community through the Policing Board for operational decisions and overall performance, and locally to Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs);
- accountable to the public through the Policing Board, the Department and the Assembly for the use of public money.