Domestic and Sexual Abuse
Here you will find information on domestic and/or sexual abuse.
Anyone can be affected by domestic and/or sexual abuse. It is an unfortunate fact that for many it remains unreported, hidden.
We want to send a clear message that domestic and/or Sexual abuse is unacceptable and tackling the issue is important to the Department of Justice and to Government.
In September 2024 we published, jointly with the Department of Health, the “Domestic and Sexual Abuse” Strategy. This Strategy includes the definitions for both domestic and sexual abuse:
Domestic abuse
Threatening, controlling, coercive behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, virtual, physical, verbal, sexual, financial or emotional)inflicted on anyone (irrespective of age, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any form of disability) by a current or former intimate partner or family member.
Sexual abuse
Any behaviour (physical, psychological, verbal, virtual/online) perceived to be of a sexual nature which is controlling, coercive, exploitative, harmful, or unwanted that is inflicted on anyone (irrespective of age, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any form of disability).
Please note that coercive, exploitative and harmful behaviour includes taking advantage of an individual’s incapacity to give informed consent.
DSA Strategy, Framework and Action Plan
The seven year Strategy also sets out the key priorities we aim to achieve going forward. We have published a multi year action plan which outlines the key actions needed to deliver the priorities.
If you need urgent help
If you have been a victim of domestic and/or sexual abuse, or if you are in fear of imminent danger, call the police on 999 immediately.
If you have been affected by domestic and/or sexual abuse and need support, please contact the 24 hour domestic and sexual abuse helpline on:
phone: 0808 802 1414 (Freephone)
text: 'support' to 07797805839
- Further information and help on domestic and sexual abuse can be accessed on the nidirect website -
- Further information and help on sexual violence and abuse can be accessed on the nidirect website -