Organised crime
Organised crime
There are many definitions of organised crime. Generally, however, it involves a group of people involved in serious criminal activities for substantial profit. Violence and threat of violence can be used by organised criminals in some cases, however, the main aim is financial gain. There are assessed to be in the region of 140 organised crime groups operating here. This crime-type is not constrained by borders.
Threats from organised crime
An Annual Report and Threat Assessment is published each year setting out an account of the work in tackling organised crime looking back and the anticipated threat areas for the year ahead. The threats cover:
- internet crime
- money laundering
- excise and tax fraud (including oils fraud)
- intellectual property crime (including counterfeit goods)
- armed robbery and cash in transit attacks
- drugs
- counterfeit currency
- Human trafficking
- organised immigration crime
- environmental crime
Organised Crime Task Force
An Organised Crime Task Force was established in 2000. It provides a multi- agency partnership approach to tackling organised crime in Northern Ireland. The Organised Crime Task Force brings together police, customs and other law enforcement agencies, along with Government Departments, the Policing Board and the local business community to combat organised crime.
More information can be found on the Organised Crime Task Force website which includes the Annual Report and Threat Assessment and the OCTF Strategy.
The Strategy sets the agenda for the partners under the headings of:
Action: to make Northern Ireland a hostile environment for organised criminals.
Analysis: to understand the threats and emerging organised crime trends to predict actions required and facilitate proactive response.
Awareness: to inform the public about organised crime trends and impacts and the work of the Organised Crime Task Force.
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Strategy 21-22
- OCTF Annual Report and Threat Assessment 2021-22
- Guidance for PSNI: Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Orders
- Northern Ireland organised crime strategy 2016
- OCTF Annual report and Threat Assessment 2015
- NI Human Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy 2015-2016
- Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 - Report for 2014-15 of the Appointed Person for Northern Ireland
- Asset Recovery Community Schemes
- Organised Crime Strategy 2014
- OCTF Annual Report and Threat Assessment 2014
- Northern Ireland Human Trafficking Action Plan 2013-14: Progress Report
- Northern Ireland Human Trafficking and Slavery Action Plan - 2014-15
- Changing the Mindset - organised crime awareness raising and engagement strategy
- Research paper investigating the issues for women in Northern Ireland involved in prostitution and exploring best practice elsewhere
- Annual reports of the Inter-Departmental Ministerial Group on Human Trafficking
- Working Arrangements for the Welfare Protection of Adult Victims of Human Trafficking
- Northern Ireland Human Trafficking Action Plan 2013-2014
- Multi-lingual leaflet for victims of human trafficking