Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey
Publications and user information from the Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey (previously known as the Northern Ireland Crime Survey).
Note: As a result of the pandemic, interviews for the 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 survey years were carried out via telephone (traditionally interviews were conducted face-to-face). Results from these survey years, referred to as the NI Safe Community Telephone Survey, can be found at the link below entitled ‘Northern Ireland Safe Community Telephone Survey’. Updates on the impact of the pandemic on the survey can be found at the User Documentation link below, within the Consultations Updates and Methodology section.
Contact us to provide feedback, ask a question or add your details to our mailing list.
- 2024 Consultation
- About the Northern Ireland Safe Community Surveys
- Cyber Crime
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Misuse
- Electronic Monitoring
- Experience of Crime
- Night Time Economy
- Northern Ireland Safe Community Telephone Survey
- Perceptions of Crime
- Perceptions of Modern Slavery
- Perceptions of Policing, Justice and Anti-Social Behaviour
- Perceptions of Policing, Justice and Organised Crime
- Perceptions of Policing and Justice
- Perceptions of Sentencing
- Perceptions of the Youth Justice Agency
- User Documentation