One Punch, One Glance – two powerful videos

Date published: 14 December 2016

The Youth Justice Agency, in conjunction with The Playhouse, Derry, have launched two short educational films warning young people about the impact of crime.

Launch of One Punch and One Glance DVD's

Both films, ‘One Glance’ and ‘One Punch,’ were launched at a large event in the Playhouse, Derry, on Wednesday 7 December. In attendance were an audience of over a hundred people including young people from four schools in Derry-Londonderry, together with representatives from the PSNI, NI Prison Service, PCSP, Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service, actors, and local filmmakers.

Local MLA and SDLP leader Colum Eastwood introduced the first film ‘One Punch’ which deals with how just one moment of anger could change a life forever. The film tells the story of a jealous teenager Ryan, who has lost his girlfriend to his charming friend, Frankie. The story spirals out of control when Frankie, who can’t handle anymore name calling, punches Ryan after a few drinks. The story ends with Frankie in prison regretting his mistakes. The film was written by local film maker Colm S Herron and featured a strong cast of local actors, with much of the filming taking place inside Magilligan Prison.

The second film One Glance, written by Max Beer, was introduced by PSNI Chief Inspector Alan Hutton. The film deals with road safety, and in particular the impact of careless driving caused by everyday driver distractions, and contains some really strong and powerful crash aftermath sequences. The production crew worked strongly with Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service and the PSNI to create as authentic scenes as possible.

Both films were directed by Chris Byrne of Pillarpix Media and were produced by the Playhouse Street Talk project, in partnership with the Youth Justice Agency. The films were funded via the Early Intervention Transformation Programme and are part of a larger project at The Playhouse which encourages young people to explore their attitudes and experiences of the police.

Both films are currently available to watch on The Playhouse’s Channel on You Tube.

Notes to editors: 

  • Both films were launched at an event in The Playhouse on 7 December 2016.
  • They are available to view via The Playhouse YouTube Channel via the following links:-
  • These films were commissioned by the Youth Justice Agency in partnership with The Playhouse and developed for screen by Pillarpix Media.
  • The film-makers wish to acknowledge the support and assistance provided by the PSNI, NI Fire & Rescue Service, and Magilligan Prison in the production of these films.
  • The films were funded via the Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP) which is a which is a Northern Ireland Executive / Atlantic Philanthropies Delivering Social Change Signature Programme, funded jointly by the Delivering Social Change Programme, DoH, DE, DoJ, DfC, DfE, and the Atlantic Philanthropies. EITP aims to improve outcomes for children and young people across Northern Ireland through embedding early intervention approaches.
  • Media enquiries should be directed to George Lowry on 028 9031 6421 or 07717 732691. Alternatively email

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