Extension to terms of three Northern Ireland Policing Board independent board members

Date published: 14 July 2021

Justice Minister Naomi Long has extended the appointments of three current independent board members of the Northern Ireland Policing Board by eight months.

Justice Minister Naomi Long

Tom Frawley, Doug Garrett and Colm McKenna took up appointment on 1 December 2018 on a three-year term until 30 November 2021.  The extended term will mean that they will continue to serve as independent board members until 31 July 2022.

Naomi Long said: “I am extending these appointments taking account of a range of factors, including the impact of the pandemic and the challenges there have been to policing over the past year. I am grateful to those members who are able to commit to another eight months’ service and thank all members for their work.

“Having an effective and efficient Board to oversee policing in Northern Ireland is vital.”

The independent board member appointments are part-time and they attract a fixed remuneration of £15,000 per annum for a minimum commitment of four days per month, including evening or weekend events.

Notes to editors: 

1.  The Northern Ireland Policing Board takes its powers from the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 as amended by the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2003 and has 19 members in total: 10 political; and 9 independent members, including a Chair and a Vice Chair appointed by the Board from among the independent members. Remuneration for the Chair is £50,000 per annum and £30,000 per annum for the Vice Chair.  On 2 April 2020, Members elected Doug Garrett as Chair of the Board with the Vice Chair position being filled by Tom Frawley.  

2.  Six independent board members were also appointed on 1 April 2020.

3.  More information can be found on the Policing Board website

4.  Biographies of each of the appointees can be found on the Policing Board website

5.  The agreement of the former Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland for this extension was sought and received.

6.  For media enquiries contact the Department of Justice Press Office at press.office@justice-ni.gov.uk

7.  The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted out of hours on 028 9037 8110.

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