The Department of Justice launches competition for Independent Reviewer of Criminal Record Certificates
Date published:
The Department of Justice has launched a recruitment competition for the appointment of an Independent Reviewer of Criminal Record Certificates. This is a public appointment, regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland (CPANI).

Launching the competition, Nick Perry, Permanent Secretary for the Department of Justice said:
“The Independent Reviewer can review criminal record information disclosed by AccessNI on a Standard or Enhanced check. The person appointed will play a key role in balancing the disclosure of sensitive personal information in the form of a criminal record, so that unsuitable persons are not appointed to positions working with children and vulnerable groups, against an individual’s right to privacy. In this way the Department continues to provide information to assist in the protection of the community but also ensures that older and minor criminal offences don’t blight a person’s life forever”
The Department welcomes applications for this important post and the successful applicant will take up appointment in October 2018
The appointment process will be conducted in accordance with the best practice in respect of public appointments.
The deadline for receipt of applications is Noon on 23 April 2018.
Notes to editors:
1. View the application form and candidate information pack
2. Copies are also available as follows:
Telephone: 028 9052 2868 or 028 9052 6111
By writing to: IR Appointment Section, AccessNI, Department of Justice, Block 3, Knockview Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SG.
3. The Independent Assessor is an independent statutory office holder in accordance with Part 5 of the Police Act 1997.
4. The role of the Independent Reviewer (IR) of criminal record information in relation to AccessNI certificates was established through implementation of section 41 of the Justice (NI) Act 2015 and the specific details of the role are set out in Schedule 4 of the same Act. This appointment is unique to Northern Ireland in that no similar role exists in either of the other two UK disclosure services, (Disclosure and Barring Service and Disclosure Scotland). Further information can be found in the information pack which accompanies the application form.
5. The current Independent Reviewer was appointed in on 1 November 2015 and commenced work on individual applications on 1 March 2016. View the Reviewers first annual report here
6. The appointment will be effective from 1 October 2018. Annual gross remuneration for the Independent Assessor is £548 daily up to a maximum of 24 days annually and will be reimbursed monthly. Time commitment is largely driven by criminal record review application levels and can therefore vary, however it is estimated that the position requires approximately 24 working days in a financial year.
7. In addition candidates must meet the following essential criteria: Making Effective Decisions, Effective Communication, Managing a Quality Service and Understanding of criminal record environment in UK.
8. Further details of the responsibilities and competences required are contained in the Candidate Information Pack, which should be read in conjunction with the press advertisement. The Candidate Information Pack and Application Form can be provided in alternative formats and reasonable adjustments will be facilitated upon request.
9. The Department of Justice is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. The Department is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all applicants. Applications are welcomed regardless of age, gender, disability, marital status, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants.