Business Crime Partnership launches its Business Crime Survey
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Business Crime Partnership launches its Business Crime Survey

Barbara McAtamney, Chair of the Business Crime Partnership said; “The purpose of the survey is to give all business owners the opportunity to have their say on how their businesses have been impacted by crime committed against them and to let us know what crime types the business community are most concerned about. We are interested to know what businesses have done to deter crime and what support they have found most helpful. We are keen to hear their views, and would encourage all businesses to complete the brief on-line survey.”
Supporting the launch of the Survey, FSB NI Development Manager, Mairaid McMahon, said: “Crimes against small firms, contrary to what some may think, are certainly not ‘victimless’. The average cost of a crime to a business is almost £3,000 *, and when additional negative impacts such as reputational damage, lost time and delayed business activity are factored in, it quickly adds up to a significant barrier to growth, or in the worst cases a threat to their survival. Having worked with the Business Crime Partnership we know that tackling these crimes are a priority for the justice system, but we need a stronger evidence base to ensure that resources are being targeted effectively. We encourage all businesses to complete the Survey to enable us to capture the true impact of these crimes right across Northern Ireland.”
Aodhán Connolly, Director NIRC said; “For our members the combined cost of spending on crime prevention and losses from crime to the retail industry across the UK is substantial and more importantly every day, including weekends, 115 colleagues are attacked, with many more threatened. That is why we are members of the Northern Ireland Business Crime Partnership, to make NI a safer and more competitive place to do business and that is why we are encouraging retailers and all businesses to fill in this survey. To fight crime we need to understand how, when and where it is happening and that’s how you can help shape the response to business crime.”
Chief Superintendent Jonathan Roberts said, “We recognise that business crime is not a victimless crime; from financial loss, to abuse and violence towards frontline staff, all crime has a lasting negative impact. This survey gives the local business community a platform to highlight their greatest concerns and an opportunity to help determine our priorities as we continue to work collaboratively to prevent harm, protect our citizens, detect offenders and put them before the courts”.
The BCP will be using the results from this survey to help shape their future work and are encouraging as many businesses as possible to complete the survey.
The BCP consists of representatives from the Department of Justice, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Policing Board, Northern Ireland Retail Consortium (NIRC), Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Retail NI and other representatives from the business community.
The Business Crime Survey can be found at: until Wednesday 20 November 2019.
Notes to editors:
1. General advice on the practical measures which businesses can take to prevent and deter business crime is available from a number of sources including:
a. The Business Crime webpage
b. Policing and Community Safety Partnerships; and
c. PSNI Crime Prevention Officers
2. Source
3. Information and reports about crime and criminal activity can be given to police by calling 101, or can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
4. All media enquiries should be directed to the Department of Justice Press Office on 028 9052 6444. Out of Office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 028 9037 8110. and your call will be returned.