NI Prison Service Statistics
NI Prison Service Accredited Official Statistics publication and user information.
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Population Bulletins
- The Northern Ireland prison population 2023/24
- The Northern Ireland Prison Population 2022/23
- The Northern Ireland Prison Population 2021/22
- The Northern Ireland Prison Population 2020/21
- The Northern Ireland Prison Population 2019/20
Trend data from 2015/16 onwards is available in the ODS documents accompanying the publications. Publications prior to 2019/20 are available on request.
Methodology and Quality Assurance
- Code of Practice for Statistics – Policies & Statements
- Consultations
- NI Prison Service Background Quality Report
- Pre-Release Access to Official Statistics
- Principal Offence Methodology
- QAAD DoJ Core, Prisons and Youth Justice Agency Publications
- Statement of Compliance with the Pre-Release Access to Official Statistics Order (Northern Ireland) 2009
- User Surveys