Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NIACRO)
NIACRO – (Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders) is a voluntary agency and registered charity providing services and policy comment within the Criminal Justice System. NIACRO provides services under the headings of; promoting safer communities; working with children and young people who offend; providing services to families and children of offenders; supporting offenders and ex-prisoners in the community and working with prisoners. NIACRO supports employers to provide advice and training on how to deal fairly and safely with individuals with past convictions. The training ‘The Fair Recruitment of People with Criminal Convictions’ is therefore designed as a guide to good practice to equip Managers with the necessary skills and knowledge to make sound and fairer recruitment decisions when assessing the suitability of hob applicant’s convictions to particular posts.
Amelia House
4 Amelia Street
Telephone 028 9032 0157
NIACRO website