Consultation extended for a further 8 weeks until 1st August 2022
The 2005 Rules, as amended, prescribe the remuneration payable to solicitors and counsel for criminal legal aid in Crown Court cases. There is a statutory requirement under Rule 20 of the 2005 Rules to carry out a formal review of the Rules at least every three years and to ensure that the Rules are consistent with the requirements of Article 37 of the Legal Aid Advice and Assistance (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 as follows:
- The time and skill which work of the description to which the rules relate requires;
- The number and general competence of persons undertaking work of that description;
- The cost to public funds of any provision made by the rules; and
The need to secure value for money.
The Department welcomes the views of consultees regarding the initial findings and proposals detailed in the consultation document.
The consultation is extended for a further 8 weeks until 1st August 2022
Responses are invited, in whatever format you choose, to:
Criminal Legal Aid and Remuneration Strategy Branch
Enabling Access to Justice Division
Access to Justice Directorate
Department of Justice
Massey House
Stormont Estate
Email: Email
Text phone: 02890 527668