Proposed strategy to support and challenge women and girls in contact with the justice system

Consultation opened on 14 January 2021. Closing date 12 March 2021.


The Department of Justice has launched a public consultation on a proposed justice-wide strategy to support and challenge women and girls in contact with the justice system. This strategy is focused on women and girls who are at risk of offending or who have offended and recognises the justice system could do more to support them using a gender and trauma informed approach. The strategy covers the range of contact women and girls may have with the justice system.


Consultation description

The proposed strategy to support and challenge women and girls in contact with the justice system builds on the previous work to reduce women’s offending.  It recognises the need to provide a tailored approach for women and girls and focuses, where possible, on acting as early as possible to support women and girls to follow a pathway from offending.  The propose strategy covers the extent of engagement women and girls might have with justice and is framed under three themes: Prevention and Diversion, In the Community and In Custody and Rehabilitation.

Ways to Respond

Responses can also be submitted by:

ROPU Consultation
Department of Justice
Room 308
Dundonald House
Upper Newtownards Road

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