The Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland has launched a public consultation seeking views on options for the re-establishment of the policy to publish, on an annual basis, details of the payment of public funds to those suppliers who deliver services funded by legal aid.
- Consultation on the annual publication of payments to legal aid suppliers
- Screening report summary
- Consultation questions
- Summary of consultation and next steps
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views on the principle of providing high-level information that indicates the areas in which legal aid is expended and details of the level of payments made to suppliers of publicly funded legal services.
Ways to respond
Responses can be submitted by:
- visiting the Citizen Space platform on the nidirect website to complete the questionnaire online. Please note you will be directed to an external website.
Or, alternatively you can complete the questionnaire and return via:
- Email to:; or
By post to:
2nd floor, Waterfront Plaza
8 Laganbank Road
Responses must be received by 29 April 2021.
If you have any queries in relation to this consultation, please contact the LSANI Business Support Unit on:
Telephone: 028 9040 8989
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.