Long announces support for retired Prison Officers

Date published: 30 September 2021

Justice Minister Naomi Long has announced that retired prison officers will receive support services in recognition of their challenging working environment.

This follows the publication of a report commissioned by the Minister in January which recommended the Police Rehabilitation and Retraining Trust should expand its work to include retired prison staff.

Naomi Long said: “Just yesterday, I visited Maghaberry and spoke with staff as part of ‘Hidden Heroes Day’ and that theme could not be more apt when it comes to prison officers. They work in a challenging, complex and at times volatile environment that for most of society is out of sight and out of mind. 

“Prison staff play a crucial role in keeping our community safe by supporting and challenging people to change.  They deal with some of the most difficult and dangerous members of our community and they do so in a way that is professional, compassionate and caring. 

“That can be, at times, a very difficult role and I believe it is right that when an officer retires that we continue to support them should they need it.

“The Police Rehabilitation and Retraining Trust has a track record of exemplary support and that will now be extended to include retired prison officers.  Work will now begin to recruit additional clinicians and it is anticipated that the support will be in place early in the New Year.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. Photo Caption: Director General of the Northern Ireland Prison Service Ronnie Armour and Justice Minister Naomi Long. The Justice Minister has announced support services for retired Prison Officers in recognition of the challenging environment in which they have worked.
  2. A Review of Support Services Provided for Retired Prison Officers was published in the NI Assembly in January 2021
  3. Media enquiries should be directed to the Department of Justice Press Office via email to:  press.office@justice-ni.gov.uk
  4. Follow the department on Twitter @Justice_NI
  5. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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