Charity Tribunal
The Charity Tribunal was established on 1st April 2010 to hear appeals from decisions made by the Charity Commission.
Currently only certain parts of the legislation have been commenced by the Commission. An up-to-date position regarding the progress of the legislation can be obtained by contacting the Charity Commission directly.
Charity Decisions/Directions are a matter of public record and are published on this website.
As the Commission has only limited regulatory functions at present, the areas for appeal are also limited. Therefore, while the commencement of the complete Act remains outstanding, it is recommended that any queries regarding potential appeals should be directed in writing to:
Charity TribunalTribunals Hearing Centre
2nd Floor, Royal Courts of Justice
Chichester Street
Tel: 0300 200 7812
All requests for appeal forms should be made, enclosing a copy of the Commission’s decision and should refer to the appropriate parts of the Transitional Provisions Order and Schedule 3, to establish the availability of an appeal.